Happy 3.14 Day!

Happy 3.14 Day!

Pie Day

In celebration of all things Pi and Pie, let us take this moment to reflect on pie in all of it’s greatness.

Pie can be sweet or savory.

Pie can be breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Pie can be a casual bite on the go, a simple weeknight meal or the final course at your wedding.

Plus, it can be made of almost anything that you find in your cupboard and fridge. Therefore, if you are suddenly feeling like a little pie, here are a some easy recipes that you can make TODAY with ingredients that are readily available. I hope you feel inspired.

BTW, you may have noticed that the blog looks a little different today. Have no fear, it is the same blog as ever, just in a new location.

A MESSAGE FOR FELLOW WORDPRESS BLOGGERS ONLY:  If you are reading this on the WordPress Stream and wondering why you didn’t get an email (and would like to get an email), now that my blog is self-hosted, in order to get email notices you need to enter your email HERE where it says “Subscribe to Making Life Delicious.” I will ONLY send you BLOG POSTS. I will NEVER send you notices re my pie business (special offers, coupons, etc). If you do want notices about my pie business, you can sign up for that at the bottom of the page here. Otherwise, please continue to enjoy the blog. Hope this isn’t too confusing. That is all.


Kick Ass Chicken Pot Pie

Digging In with Watermark

Janey’s Chocolate Chess Pie

Pie on Black


 Fresh Blueberry Pie

Blueberry Closeup


Old-Fashioned Apple Pie with Crumb Topping

Apple Crumb Pie Old Fashioned