Oma’s Classic Whisky Sour

Oma’s Classic Whisky Sour

Oma is back! And Oma’s favorite drink is the Whisky Sour. If you’ve only ever had a Whisky Sour made with the neon mixer sold in the plastic jug, then you’ve never had a good Whisky Sour. Making your own sour mix is extremely easy and it will make you fall in love with this classic cocktail.

Oma’s Classic Whisky Sour

Print-Friendly Recipe

  • 4 parts whisky
  • 2 parts simple syrup (see below)
  • 1 part freshly squeezed lemon juice, strained
  • 1 part freshly squeezed lime juice, strained
  • ice, preferably crushed
  • GARNISH:  1 maraschino cherry


Put equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved. Many recipes call for boiling the syrup for some period of time, but I never do. As soon as the sugar is dissolved, take it off the heat. Transfer to another container and chill before using because warm simple syrup melts ice quickly resulting in a watered down cocktail.


Mix all of the ingredients in a shaker filled with crushed ice.  Shake about 30 times and pour into a highball glass with fresh ice.  Don’t use the ice from the shaker.  Garnish with one maraschino cherry and enjoy!

TASTING NOTES: This drink runs a little sweet and beware, for it goes down reeeeal easy.  If you like your drink more sour, cut back on the simple syrup and/or increase the lemon & lime juice a bit.

One thing is for damn sure, you will never go back to the neon jug again.

Other Oma Classics include: