Time to Make Your Christmas Plum Pudding

Time to Make Your Christmas Plum Pudding

Thanksgiving is over, so this is your reminder to go, quick as a bunny, and get what you need to make your 2011 Christmas pudding.

If you are unfamiliar with this fabulous dessert, check out my 2010 post to find out more.

In the meantime, here is the short list of reasons why this dessert is so freakin’ fantastic.

  • First off, its incredibly moist, like crazy moist.
  • Second, the flavor is intense and complex.  Each bite is an experience.
  • Third, hard sauce.  Don’t know what that is?  Trust me, you will thank me later.
  • Fourth, it’s special.  In England, Christmas Pudding is widely available.  However, in the United States, it’s difficult to find.  And when you do, chances are it will be a mass produced mediocre cake.
  • Last, you set it on fire before you eat it.  How fun is that?

Click here for the amazingly delicious recipe.